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Horizons ETFs Rebalances Marijuana-Focused ETFs

03/07/19 - 12:00 am

TORONTO – July 03, 2019 – Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. (“Horizons ETFs”) has completed the quarterly rebalance of the constituent holdings of the Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences Index ETF (“HMMJ”:TSX), the Horizons US Marijuana Index ETF (“HMUS”:NEO) and the Horizons Emerging Marijuana Growers Index ETF (“HMJR”:NEO).

HMMJ is the world’s first ETF offering direct exposure to North American-listed securities that are involved with marijuana bioengineering and production. Once again, the ETF has added additional companies to its portfolio as more firms have become eligible for inclusion in its underlying index – the North American Marijuana Index.

The HMMJ portfolio recently expanded to include the following 10 constituents:

Company Name Ticker Exchange
Sproutly Canada Inc. SPR Canadian Securities Exchange
Valens Groworks Corp. VGW Canadian Securities Exchange
Abacus Health Products Inc. ABCS Canadian Securities Exchange
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings CRBP NASDAQ
Cardiol Therapeutics Inc.-A CRDL Toronto Stock Exchange
Enwave Corp. ENW TSX Venture Exchange
Intec Pharma Ltd. NTEC NASDAQ
Pyxus International Inc. PYX NYSE American
cbdMD Inc. YCBD NYSE American
Youngevity International Inc. YGYI NASDAQ


HMMJ is an index (or passively managed) ETF, which seeks to replicate, to the extent possible, the performance of the North American Marijuana Index, net of expenses. This index is designed to provide exposure to the performance of a basket of North American publicly listed life sciences companies with significant business activities in the Marijuana industry. The North American Marijuana Index selects from a current universe of companies that have operations that may include one or more of biopharmaceuticals, medical manufacturing, distribution, bioproducts and other ancillary businesses related to the Marijuana industry.

The last quarter was a difficult one for Marijuana-sector investors. After more than a 50% runup in the value of HMMJ, performance in the sector tailed off. Nevertheless, HMMJ is still up more than 30% year to date, so it remains one of the strongest-performing equity sectors in 2019,” said Steve Hawkins, President and CEO of Horizons ETFs. “During this rebalance, we saw a lot of U.S.-listed stocks enter the North American Marijuana Index, and by extension the ETF. Many of these producers, such as cbdMD and Youngevity International, are involved in the legal CBD and Hemp markets in the U.S. We expect that as the industry grows, so too will the number of U.S. legal CBD-focused firms that will qualify for index inclusion.

Rebalancing of the North American Marijuana Index, and consequently HMMJ, occurs each calendar quarter. At that point, all stocks eligible for inclusion are generally re-weighted by their respective market capitalization. The holdings of HMMJ and its current portfolio weights are regularly updated and available at

Performance Update as at June 30, 2019*

  1 Month 3 Month 6 Months YTD 1 Year Annualized
Since Inception**
HMMJ -0.86% -14.50% 31.00% 31.00% 7.48% 37.75%


* Source: Morningstar Direct, as at June 30, 2019.
** Since HMMJ’s inception on April 4, 2017.

The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in per unit value and reinvestment of all dividends or distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any security holder that would have reduced returns. The rates of return shown in the table are not intended to reflect future values of the Horizons Marijuana Life Sciences Index ETF (the “ETF”) or returns on investment in the ETF.

HMUS Rebalance

This was the first rebalance of HMUS since the ETF was launched in April. HMUS is the world’s first U.S.-focused marijuana index ETF.

HMUS seeks to replicate, to the extent possible, the performance of the US Marijuana Companies Index, net of expenses. This index is designed to provide exposure to the performance of a basket of publicly listed companies having significant business activities in, or significant exposure to, the Marijuana or Hemp industries in the United States. Constituents of this index are selected from Canadian and U.S. exchanges. While some securities may be listed on major North American exchanges, the majority of the securities currently trade on North American exchanges that include but are not limited to the Canadian Securities Exchange and the NEO.

This rebalance included the addition of 11 new index constituents.

Company Name Ticker Exchange
Abacus Health Products Inc. ABCS Canadian Securities Exchange
Body & Mind Inc. BAMM Canadian Securities Exchange
Ignite International Brands BILZ Canadian Securities Exchange
Cannex Capital Holdings Inc. CNNX Canadian Securities Exchange
Dixie Brands Inc. DIXI/U Canadian Securities Exchange
Jushi Holdings Inc. JUSH/B AEQUITAS NEO
Transcanna Holdings Inc. TCAN Canadian Securities Exchange
Tilt Holdings Inc. TILT Canadian Securities Exchange
Cansortium Inc. TIUM/U Canadian Securities Exchange
Vireo Health International Inc. VREO Canadian Securities Exchange
cbdMD INC. YCBD NYSE American


Both medical and recreational marijuana usage are illegal at the federal level in the United States. However, that hasn’t stopped the rapid growth of a large U.S. Marijuana industry that is centred around U.S. states where marijuana usage is legal. In fact, sales of cannabis-focused products in legal states already surpass the size of the entire Canadian market, according to ArcView Research,” said Mr. Hawkins. “With the rapid expansion of the U.S. market, we are seeing a lot more companies eligible for index inclusion. Almost all of these companies are listed in Canada. The Canadian capital markets are providing early access to many companies that could be big leaders in the U.S. Cannabis business going forward.

Rebalancing of the US Marijuana Companies Index, and consequently HMUS, occurs each calendar quarter. At that point, all stocks eligible for inclusion are generally re-weighted by their respective market capitalization. The holdings of HMUS and its current portfolio weights are regularly updated and available at

HMJR Rebalance

HMJR seeks to replicate, to the extent possible, the performance of the Emerging Marijuana Growers Index, net of expenses. This index is designed to provide exposure to the performance of a basket of primarily North American publicly listed small-capitalization companies primarily involved in the cultivation, production and/or distribution of marijuana.

HMJR invests in companies with market capitalizations generally between CAD $50 million and CAD $500 million. The ETF's portfolio is 100% invested in marijuana producers and distributors, and it can have exposure to companies outside of North America.

The HMJR portfolio recently expanded to include the following 20 constituents:

Company Name Ticker Exchange
MGC Pharmaceuticals Ltd. MXC Australian Securities Exchange
THC Global Group Ltd. THC Australian Securities Exchange
Creso Pharma Ltd. CPH Australian Securities Exchange
Vireo Health Intl. Inc. VREO Canadian Securities Exchange
Cansortium Inc. TIUM/U Canadian Securities Exchange
Benchmark Botanics Inc. BBT Canadian Securities Exchange
Cannabis One Holdings Inc. CBIS Canadian Securities Exchange
Zenabis Global Inc. ZENA Toronto Stock Exchange
Sugarbud Craft Growers Corp. SUGR TSX Venture Exchange
Ignite International Brands BILZ Canadian Securities Exchange
Body & Mind Inc. BAMM Canadian Securities Exchange
Stem Holdings Inc. STEM Canadian Securities Exchange
Mjardin Group Inc. MJAR Canadian Securities Exchange
Transcanna Holdings Inc. TCAN Canadian Securities Exchange
Ravenquest Biomed Inc. RQB Canadian Securities Exchange
Icc International Cannabis Corp. WRLD/U Canadian Securities Exchange
Agraflora Organics International AGRA Canadian Securities Exchange
Auxly Cannabis Group Inc. XLY TSX Venture Exchange
Cannara Biotech Inc. LOVE Canadian Securities Exchange
Organic Flower Investment Group Inc. SOW Canadian Securities Exchange


"The HMJR portfolio had more than 20 names added to it this quarter. Many of these new constituents are companies focused on non-Canadian markets,” said Mr. Hawkins. “HMJR now has significant exposure to emerging global Marijuana markets, including Australia, Israel, and of course the United States. Many of the new entrants to these markets start as smaller- capitalization stocks, meaning that HMJR tends to get exposure to the early entrants into new markets.

Rebalancing of the Emerging Marijuana Growers Index, and consequently HMJR, occurs each calendar quarter. At that point, all stocks eligible for inclusion are generally re-weighted by their respective market capitalization. The holdings of HMJR and its current portfolio weights are regularly updated and available at

About Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. 
Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. is an innovative financial services company and offers one of the largest suites of exchange traded funds in Canada. The Horizons ETFs product family includes a broadly diversified range of solutions for investors of all experience levels to meet their investment objectives in a variety of market conditions. Horizons ETFs has more than $10 billion of assets under management and 90 ETFs listed on major Canadian stock exchanges. Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. is a member of the Mirae Asset Global Investments Group.

For investor inquiries:
Contact Horizons ETFs at 1-866-641-5739 (toll-free) or (416) 933-5745
[email protected]

For media inquiries:
Contact Jonathan McGuire
External Communications Manager
Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc.
(416) 640-2956
[email protected]

There are risks associated with HMUS. HMUS is expected to invest in the Marijuana industry in certain U.S. states that have legalized marijuana for therapeutic or adult-use, which is currently illegal under U.S. federal law. HMUS will passively invest in companies involved in the marijuana industry in the U.S. where local state law regulates and permits such activities, as well as in companies involved in the Canadian legal Marijuana industry. HMUS will not be directly engaged in the manufacture, importation, possession, use, sale or distribution of marijuana in either Canada or the U.S. Please read the full risk disclosure in the prospectus before investing.

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