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Horizons ETFs Announces Changes to the Horizons Seasonal Rotation ETF

18/08/15 - 12:00 am

TORONTO, August 14, 2015 – Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. (“Horizons ETFs”) and its affiliate AlphaPro Management Inc. are announcing that, effective immediately, Don Vialoux and Jon Vialoux are no longer affiliated with the Horizons Seasonal Rotation ETF (“HAC”).

Brooke Thackray, who has been affiliated with the ETF since its inception in November of 2009, continues in his lead analyst role on HAC to identify and capitalize on seasonal patterns.

There are no changes to either the investment objective or portfolio strategy of HAC and Horizons ETFs does not anticipate any change in how the portfolio decisions for HAC are determined.

HAC uses a proprietary, seasonal rotation investment strategy co-developed by research analyst Brooke Thackray. The strategy’s core position consists of exposure to major North American equity markets during favourable seasons and cash, money market and fixed income securities during unfavourable seasons. The strategy allocates funds from the core portfolio to various sectors when those sectors offer favourable opportunities. Rotating a portfolio in anticipation of these opportunities and seasonal changes is designed to deliver returns that are superior to a static investment in broad markets. As seasonal periods are never the same, this investment strategy is supported by additional fundamental and technical analysis.

“Brooke Thackray is one of the most well-known seasonal investment strategists in North America. His investment guide, Thackray's Seasonal Investor's Guide, which is updated and published annually, has been a staple on the bookshelves of seasonal investment practitioners for the better part of a decade,” said Steve Hawkins, Co-CEO of Horizons ETFs. “HAC is our second oldest actively managed ETF and one of our most successful in terms of sales. Brooke’s ground-breaking research on seasonal investment trends and timely insight has been at the core of this success.”

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