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Atai Life Sciences N.V. Added to the North American Psychedelics Index

08/07/21 - 12:00 am

TORONTO – July 8, 2021 – Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. (“Horizons ETFs”) is announcing that Atai Life Sciences N.V. (“Atai Life Sciences”) has been included as a fast entry addition to the North American Psychedelics Index, (the “Index”), which is the underlying index of the Horizons Psychedelic Stock Index ETF (“PSYK”:NEO).

The Index is designed to provide exposure to the performance of North American publicly-listed life sciences companies focused on psychedelic medicines, and other companies with business activities in the psychedelics industry. The Index is designed to provide diversified exposure to the psychedelics industry, at weights that can easily and cost effectively be replicated, while at the same time reflecting the evolution of the industry in a timely fashion.

The Index has a “Fast Entry” rule, which allows the Index, and by extension, PSYK, to add new stocks shortly after they become publicly available, assuming they qualify for inclusion. In order for a stock to be eligible for the fast-entry inclusion, it must have a float market capitalization in excess of CAD $100 million.

Rebalancing of the North American Psychedelics Index occurs each calendar quarter. At those points, all stocks eligible for inclusion are generally re-weighted by their respective float market capitalization. The holdings of the Index, PSYK and its current portfolio weights are regularly updated and available at

About Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. (
Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. is an innovative financial services company and offers one of the largest suites of exchange traded funds in Canada. The Horizons ETFs product family includes a broadly diversified range of solutions for investors of all experience levels to meet their investment objectives in a variety of market conditions. Horizons ETFs has over $19 billion of assets under management and 95 ETFs listed on major Canadian stock exchanges.

For media inquiries:
Contact Jonathan McGuire
Assistant Vice President, Corporate Communications
Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc.
(416) 640-2956
[email protected]

Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with an investment in Horizons Psychedelic Stock Index ETF (the “ETF”) managed by Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. The ETF is not guaranteed, its value changes frequently and past performance may not be repeated. The prospectus contains important detailed information about the ETF. Please read the prospectus before investing.

There are risks associated with this product. PSYK is expected to invest in, and indirectly derive revenues from, companies in the psychedelics industry engaged in legal activities involving psychedelic drugs and substances. While the medical and adult use of certain psychedelic drugs and substances are generally prohibited under U.S. federal law, despite this prohibition, a limited number of states have either sought to decriminalize or authorize the medical use of certain psychedelic drugs and substances in limited circumstances. Clinical trials involving psychedelic drugs and substances are, however, permitted, provided they comply with both state and federal laws applicable to such trials. Psychedelic drugs and substances in Canada are primarily regulated under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (the “CDSA”), the Food and Drug Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder. The medical use of certain psychedelic drugs and substances remain illegal under Canadian federal law unless discretionary exemptions are granted under the CDSA, while a limited number of other drugs and substances may be prescribed by a health care practitioner to patients under their care. Adult recreational use of psychedelic drugs and substances remains generally prohibited under the CDSA. Commercial activities involving psychedelic drugs and substances are permitted in Canada by parties who hold the required federal regulatory approvals and licences; however, distribution and sales opportunities for psychedelic drugs and substances are heavily restricted at this time. PSYK will passively invest in companies engaged in legal activities involving psychedelic drugs and substances in Canada and the U.S. where applicable laws permit such activities. PSYK will not be directly engaged in the manufacture, importation, possession, use, sale or distribution of psychedelic drugs or substances in either Canada or the U.S.

The ETF, through the ownership of life science companies in the psychedelic industry, may also have some exposure to the legal marijuana market in Canada, and the hemp industry and/or marijuana industry in certain U.S. states that have legalized marijuana for therapeutic or adult-use, which is currently illegal under U.S. federal law. However, the ETF will not be directly engaged in the manufacture, importation, possession, use, sale or distribution of hemp or marijuana in either Canada or the U.S. Please read the full risk disclosure in the prospectus before investing.

Neither Horizons ETFs nor Solactive AG shall have any liability, contingent or otherwise, to any person or entity for the quality, accuracy, timeliness and/or completeness of the Index, the data of the Index, or for delays, omissions or interruptions in the delivery of the Index or data related thereto. Neither Horizons ETFs nor Solactive AG makes any warranty, express or implied, as the results to be obtained by any person or entity in connection with any use of the Index, including but not limited to the trading of or investments in PSYK or related to the Index, any data related thereto or any components thereof. Neither Horizons ETFs nor Solactive AG makes any express or implied warranties, and hereby expressly disclaims all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use with respect to the Index or any data related thereto. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall Horizons ETFs or Solactive AG have any liability for any special, punitive, indirect, or consequential damages (including lost profits), in connection with any use by any person of the Index, PSYK or any products related thereto, even if notified of the possibility of such damages. Neither Horizons ETFs nor Solactive AG is an advisor as to legal, taxation, accounting, regulatory or financial matters in any jurisdiction, and is not providing any advice as to any such matter.

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Tout placement dans des produits négociés en bourse (les « Fonds Global X ») gérés par Global X Investments Canada Inc. peut donner lieu à des commissions, à des frais de gestion et à des dépenses. Les produits de Global X ne sont pas garantis, leur valeur change fréquemment et les rendements passés peuvent ne pas se reproduire. Certains Fonds Global X peuvent être exposés à des techniques de placement à effet de levier susceptibles d’amplifier les gains et les pertes et d’entraîner une plus grande volatilité de la valeur. Ils pourraient aussi être soumis à un risque de placement agressif et à un risque de volatilité des prix. Ces risques sont décrits dans le prospectus. Les Fonds du marché monétaire de Global X ne sont pas couverts par la Société d’assurance-dépôts du Canada, la Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ou tout autre organisme public d’assurance dépôts. Rien ne garantit que le fonds du marché monétaire sera en mesure de maintenir sa valeur liquidative par titre à un montant constant ou que le plein montant de votre investissement dans le Fonds vous sera retourné. Le rendement passé n’est pas garant du rendement futur. Le prospectus contient des renseignements détaillés importants au sujet des Fonds Global X.

Global X Investments Canada Inc. (« Global X ») est une filiale en propriété exclusive de Mirae Asset Global Investments Co., Ltd. (« Mirae Asset »), l’entité de gestion d’actifs de Mirae Asset Financial Group établie en Corée. Global X est une société constituée sous le régime des lois du Canada et est le gestionnaire, le gestionnaire de placements et le fiduciaire des Fonds Global X.

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